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French dairy farms


dairy farms in France.


cows per farm on average.

6 %

organic farms by 2018.

1 out of 5

1 out of 5 farms officially PDO.

A French dairy farm.

  • 58 dairy cows
  • 385,300 litres of milk produced per year
  • 92 hectares, of which 32 ha. of pasture
  • 30% of farms incorporated (GAEC/EARL)



Sources : RICA / France Agri Mer/Annual Dairy Survery 2014

The average size of french farms.

The nearly 60,000 French dairy farms have an average of 60 heads of cattle per farm, with the vast majority having between 40 and 80 heads.

French average cattle numbers are very low in scale compared to many other countries:

  • 150 heads per farm in Denmark
  • 400 in New Zealand,
  • 195 in the United States…

In France, only 10% of farms have more than 100 heads of cattle (as opposed to 70% in Denmark and 95% in New Zealand).

Dairy farms on a human scale.

Reflecting the changing nature of our society, dairy farms are changing as well, but they nevertheless largely remain family-run business, typically consisting of 2 or 3 farmers who have pooled together their pastures and their herds.

Modern farming practices.

Within a few decades, dairy farming has been transformed, just like many other industries. A new generation of farmers with different skills and methods is forcing farms and farming practices to evolve. 4 Billion euros have been invested over 5 years to modernise dairy farms: improved barn planning for livestock comfort, as well as for storage, disposal, and fertiliser usage of manure.

Dairy PDOs

The “Protected Designation of Origin” (or PDO), previously known as AOC in France, applies to 45 French cheeses, 3 kinds of butter, and 2 kinds of fresh cream. PDOs serve as a guarantee to consumers that different products sharing the same name have all been made under identical production conditions.

PDOs refer to products made within a certain geographic area according to recognized and traditional expertise. The product is inseparable from its local region, and their production, processing, and preparation must categorically take place within this region, according to the specified regulations. PDOs are there to ensure the conservation and development of the local regions, their economies and the continued tradition of agricultural and culinary diversity.

Organic farming.

Organic farming is a mode of production which is made unique by its reliance on crop production and animal-rearing practices which are mindful to respect the balance of nature.


In this way, the crops which are fed to the cattle are produced without pesticides, artificial fertilizers, or GMOs. The animal feed is almost exclusively produced on-site at the dairy farm.